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How it works

Passpoints allow mobile devices to connect to nearby internet automically. Imagine connecting to Wi-Fi, except not having to find, select, or enter credentials. No more captive pop-up pages that you see at coffee shops and hotels either. This is already your experience when using your cellular data, and this is the network and experience Passpaoints extend.

Wherever a Passpoint is installed, qualified phones that would've previously been using their own cellular data instead use the host location’s provided Passpoint, taking place all in the background.

A mobile device's use of a Passpoint instead of cellular data is called "offloading", since connectivity is made through the Passpoint instead of being charged to a user’s data plan. The concept has been around for years, but as of 2024 there has been an explosive growth in the number of mobile devices (customers of AT&T, T-Mobile, Cricket, etc.) that now work with any hosted Passpoint.

Carriers also benefit from a network of people-owned Passpoint devices since this reduces congestion on their own network and provides a seamless experience in areas where Passpoints are available but general cellular signal is not.

Passpoints offer a level of security beyond what many traditional wireless networks can achieve. In fact, hosting a Passpoint can enhance the security of a network.


A Passpoint creates a separate network from the host’s. This isolation ensures that traffic on the Passpoint does not interfere with or access the host network. Moreover, employed protocols and certificates only allow authorized devices and users to connect (i.e. attested customers of carriers that are in good standing).


Any actor seeking to pose a security risk through a Passpoint would be like driving in reverse to their goal—inefficient and illogical. This is why many have elected to remove their public Wi-Fi in exchange for Passpoint technology.






Client Isolation

Reject WAN Traffic

Host LAN Block








In short, it creates a better cellular experience available to everyone.

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